27 August 2019

Hey, hi there! My name is Stelan and I like people. They can do so many amazing things, you know? They are so smart and inventive. With their two skillful hands, walking up tall on their two feet and - the most incredible thing - thinking such interesting thoughts with their brain and feeling such complex feelings with their hearts. Don't you agree?

Oh! Please excuse my forgetfulness! By the look on your face, I guess I forgot to mention: I am Stelan the Sparrow and I am a very curious bird.

If you want, we can be friends! But for that, we'd have to get to know each other. What is your name?
My mother taught me that it takes time and good will from both sides to become friends. So, what do you say? Do you think we should be friends?

I'm sure you wonder how can a sparrow and a little girl be friends. Let me assure you it is possible. In fact, I have many different friends, you know?

One of them is Little Willow. I call her Will because she is very strong willed. Some humans have another name for that: stubborn. But I don't like this word. Makes me want to frown. And when I spend time with Will I don't feel like frowning.

She says her biggest dream is to grow so tall that her top branches touch the stars. She even made a plan; she showed it to me. It said:
- three times a day
- drink plenty of water from the river that runs near my roots
- stretch my branches in the sun and make enough chlorophyll to keep me until the next day
- rest once during the day
- enjoy the rain - for freshness
- let birds make nests on my branches - for the good energy
- sleep well at night so that my trunk can thicken and grow

She is very strict on her plan and you know what? She already grew three times my height since I know her! I think she'll make it. Don't you?

I learned a lot from her. I started my own plan: to be a really happy bird. My will is also strong! 

What's your biggest dream? Because if you need help with planning to reach it, Will can surely help. I'll take you to her someday, if you want!

Oh! Yes! I have to tell you about Be. Actually, his name is Big Riser, but I like it better calling him Be. He is a butterfly and he likes sitting on flowers, in the sun and listening to the silence. That's what he says:
- "Shut up, Stelan, and just listen to the silence! All great ideas come when you make silence in your head and heart and just be!"
See why I call him Be?

Truth be told, I also enjoy sometimes sitting and not doing anything, with no worries at all. And I did get great ideas while doing that. I mean, while not doing... You know what I mean. Actually, starting to talk to you was one of the ideas that came to me when I was listening to the silence before and just being. So, that must mean it's a great idea for us to be friends. Don't you think?

But, you know, my best friend ever was a little girl. Her name was Sarah and she was 11 when we met. I called her Smarty Pants because at first she made me really mad showing off with her knowledge of everything. But something about her made me talk to her the next day also. And then the next day and the next... until we became very good friends.

She was really smart, witty and very curious. Just like me! She liked to read a lot so we used to stay in the park - she lay in the grass and I sat on her head - and we read books about love, friendships, war, brave people or scary events. Best of times, I tell you!

But sometimes - just like Be - she liked to sit and stare at the sky. At first I thought she was mad at me or something. So I thought that telling her about me will help.
- "What is it that you have to be upset about, Smarty Pants? Especially now when I am blue... I miss my brother..."

Remember that I said she was very smart? Well she was!

- "Stelan, she said, you know what I think? I think missing someone is the best thing!"

I see that you are just as surprised as I was at her words!

- "Yes! she continued. Missing someone means you love them. That's what my dad always says when I ask about my grandma.
He says: You can't be near your grandma, since we live so far away. But missing her is almost like feeling her close. She is in your thoughts and I am sure she thinks about you also. So why not even tell her about you and your joy or sadness whenever you feel you miss her?
And you know what? I did, Stelan! And every time I get to see her - for a vacation or my birthday - she knows as if we had really talked. And that is amazing!
You should try it!

Yeah... I called her Smarty Pants for a reason!

Did you ever miss someone you love? Do you think Sara's advice will work? Should I try it?
I'm asking you as my friend now. Because I don't know where is Smarty Pants. I haven't seen her in a long time. And see? I miss her too...

[To be continued by Mara]